Terms & Conditions

This website is owned by Aunt Delcie Spices. Your use of this website is governed by these Terms of Use. By accessing and browsing this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

  1. Definition
  2. These website Terms of Use, unless the context otherwise requires:

    • “Charged Services” means services available online through this website for which a charge is payable to Aunt Delcie Spices.
    • “Fees” means the fees payable for the Charged Services as recorded in the schedule of fees for the relevant Charged Service on this website.
    • “Intellectual Property” includes the design of, and all content appearing on this website, trademarks (including logos), domain names, copyright, rights in computer software, databases and lists, confidential information, know-how and trade secrets and manuals, whether registered or unregistered.
    • “Username” means a form of identification a user of this website uses, together with a password, to gain access to Charged Services and any other parts of this website for which registration of the user is required.
  3. Confidentiality
  4. Information available under the Charged Services may be subject to confidentiality obligations or requirements. Aunt Delcie Spices retains the right to make any information confidential.

    You acknowledge and agree:

    Aunt Delcie Spices may elect not to supply you with any information that Aunt Delcie Spices believes is confidential; and/or.

    • You will comply with any confidentiality obligations notified to you by Aunt Delcie Spices.
    • Further details and requests regarding confidential information can be obtained or made by contacting Aunt Delcie Spices, Hartwell, Clarendon, Jamaica.
  5. Intellectual Property
  6. All Intellectual Property on this website is owned by Aunt Delcie Spices.

    No part of this website may be:

    • Distributed or copied for any commercial purpose, nor incorporated in any other work or publication (whether in hard copy, electronic or any other form); or
    • Resold, published, copied, reproduced, transmitted or stored (including in any other website or other electronic form) except that you may print, or download to your hard drive, extracts from the website only for informational and non-commercial purposes use, without Aunt Delcie Spices express prior written permission.
  7. Right To Use Website And Content
  8. You may access, view, reproduce and print the content on this website provided you use that content only for informational and non-commercial purposes. Any reproduction must include prominent acknowledgment of Aunt Delcie Spices’s rights in the relevant content.

  9. Hyperlinking
  10. If you wish to link to any part of this Website, you must obtain Aunt Delcie Spices’s prior written consent. Aunt Delcie Spices reserves the right to prohibit links to this website and you agree to remove or cease any link upon Aunt Delcie Spices’s request. You may not frame any part of the material on this website by including advertising or other revenue generating material.

  11. Disclaimer
  12. The information provided on this website is for general guidance only. Users of the information contained on this website must make their own assessment of the suitability and appropriateness of the information or services described for their particular use and conditions.

  13. All Liability Excluded
  14. To the extent permitted by law:

    All warranties, representations and guarantees (whether express, implied or statutory) are excluded, including without limit, suitability, fitness for purpose, accuracy or completeness:

    • Of this website or the content on, or accessed through it; and
    • Aunt Delcie Spices will not be liable for any damage, loss or expenses, or indirect losses or consequential damages of any kind, suffered or incurred by you in connection with your access to or use of this website, or the content on, or accessed through it.

    If the Jamaica Consumer Guarantees Act applies, you may have rights or remedies which are not excluded or limited by the above. If you are using this website or its content for business purposes, the above exclusions and limits will apply and the Jamaica Consumer Guarantees Act will not apply.

    The exclusions and limits set out in these website Terms of Use will also operate for the benefit of Aunt Delcie Spices’s relevant suppliers, licensors and agents which Aunt Delcie Spices use to provide the website.

  15. Errors
  16. Although Aunt Delcie Spices has endeavoured to ensure the content on this website is current, accurate and complete, Aunt Delcie Spices does not guarantee that such content will be current, accurate or complete when you access it. Aunt Delcie Spices will take action, within a reasonable period of time, to correct any error or inaccuracy which is brought to our attention.

  17. Third Party Websites
  18. This website may contain links to third party websites. These websites have not been prepared by and are not controlled by us. They are provided for your convenience only, and do not imply that Aunt Delcie Spices checks, endorses, approves or agrees with third party websites we link to. To the extent permitted by law, Aunt Delcie Spices has no liability in respect of any third party websites this Website links to.

  19. Privacy Policy
  20. The Privacy Policy governs the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information by us. The Privacy Policy forms a part of these website Terms of Use.

    Our Privacy Policy may be accessed via: link .

  21. Compliance With Law
  22. You agree that you will at all times comply fully with all relevant laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of all relevant regulatory bodies in relation to any of the information or services made available to you through this website.

    You may terminate your use of any of the Charged Services, or access to any part of this website for which registration is required (including the Online Service Payment process), at any time by requesting that

    Aunt Delcie Spices delete your Username and password for the relevant service or part of this website. Aunt Delcie Spices may terminate your right to use any of the Charged Services, or access to any part of this website for which registration is required (including the Online Service Payment process), by giving you one months’ notice, or immediately without notice if you breach any of these website Terms of Use, the terms and conditions for any charged service or any other service or the Online Service Payment Terms.

    Any termination of your right to use any of the Charged Services, or access to any part of this website for which registration is required, will not affect any rights or obligations which have accrued by either you or Aunt Delcie Spices prior to termination.

  23. Jurisdiction And Governing Law
  24. This website and content has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Jamaican law. These website Terms of Use and any matters or disputes connected with this website will be governed by Jamaican laws and will be dealt with by Jamaica courts.

  25. Minor (children)
  26. It is the responsibility of a guardian or parent to ensure that a child or minor is monitored while using the World Wide Web. While we will exercise due care to protect their privacy and will not knowingly permit advertisement which if promoted to a minor may be immoral, unsuitable, inappropriate or illegal, we strongly advise that parental permission be given before any action is taken by a minor in response to any direct marketing for any products or services while using this website.

  28. You may be required to register or access some pages on our website in order to use them. You must provide complete and accurate information when prompted to do so. It will be your responsibility to update your registration data should there be any changes.

    When you register, it is for a single user only and your user name and password is for your exclusive use only, and must never be shared or used by anyone. Separate terms and conditions will apply on registering for these pages and registration will be terminated unless you accept the terms and conditions of use for the specified pages, which will be in addition to the terms and conditions for the general use of our website.

    Registration will be exclusively for the Aunt Delcie Spices and does not apply to registration on websites of any third party, who will have their own procedure.

  29. Amendments
  30. We may amend these website Terms of Use from time to time so you should check and read these website Terms of Use regularly. By continuing to use this website after any such amendment, you are deemed to have agreed to the amended website Terms of Use.

  31. Additional Terms For Particular Services Offered
  32. You may be required to agree to additional terms and conditions for particular services which Aunt Delcie Spices may make available to you from time to time through this website prior to being able to use those particular services. Any such additional terms and conditions are to be read in conjunction with these website Terms of Use.

  33. Payment
  34. You will pay all Fees payable for a Charged Service at the time your request or application for a Charged Service is accepted by Aunt Delcie Spices. Aunt Delcie Spices reserves the right to amend any Fees from time to time and to adjust any Fees recorded on this website or the application for a Charged Service if the price recorded is incorrect.

    All payments are to be made in cash, direct debt, or Internet banking. All Fees are in Jamaican dollars and are inclusive of GCT (being tax levied in accordance with the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 and includes tax levied in substitution for such tax). You will pay all other applicable taxes, import duties, levies or tariffs which may be payable (if any).

  35. Contacting Us
  36. If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the website or these website Terms of Use, please contact us.

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